Saturday, January 17, 2009

This blog is not going to win a popularity contest

I never intended it to be read by anyone. Maybe family or even close friends. No, its for my personal consumption. Two things. This will serve as a reminder of issues that are important to me and my beliefs as well as a landmark for events that will refresh my memory when the time comes where some of the neurons in my brain would not function anymore. And, to enable those that come after me to know a little about me. In generations past, information was handed down orally and through traditions kept by the elders and practiced in the hope of being passed on to the young... here's hoping that if someday a descendant would somehow ask his or her parent about me, then they can also come to these pages to learn about an ancestor. In my case, i've always been interested about my ancestry but unfortunately, I can only go back up to my grandfather on my father's side of the family. One reason was that mt grandfather traveled to a faraway land and built a family there but somehow did not take it upon himself to teach us about his other relatives.

The premise here is that storage cost of data will become so infinitesimal such that written information will be forever stored in a place somewhere.

Friday, January 09, 2009

U.S. Congress FOCA Bill

From what i've read and understood about the FOCA (Freedon of Choice Act) Bill, one of its features was for a minor to be able to get an abortion without her parent's consent. The main focus of this bill was to enshrine Roe v. Wade into law and nullify virtually all federal and state limitations on abortion. I'm not an expert on the issue but common sense would tell me that there seems to be disconnect on this bill having the feature i've mentioned on parental consent. Links to the 2007 version of the US House and Senate bills can be found here and here respectively.

I've had two kids finish high school and my youngest is presently a high school senior. I do not recall any of them joined a field trip without me signing a parent's consent form. In the form, it would always indicate that if I do not sign it, my kid will have to stay in school and would be given some other school related activity if I do not consent to them joining their classmates in the field trip. I do not know if any among us would consider a field trip more important than an abortion. Am I missing something here?

Let us pray to end all the madness in this world.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Christians are being persecuted

I never imagined the day will come when Christians will be persecuted in a country where religious tolerance and freedom were supposed to be practiced and guaranteed by the country's constitution.

If you don't brlieve me take a look at this website for some episodes. Click on the "sign up for all episodes" button on the upper right and fill in your name, email and zip to view the full length video online if you do not want to buy their DVDs.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Thaad got some medals in rowing

Thaad arrived home Saturday May 26, 2006, and proudly showed us three medals (two bronze and one silver) he and his teamates got from a rowing regatta where their school competed. He is currently a novice in the Riverview H.S. rowing team and for more than a month has been frustrated that his team has never won any comptition medals. They have been practicing for about three months now and competed for the last eight or so weeks. The kids in this school are lucky since we live near the big Detroit river that connects Lake Huron/St. Clair to Lake Erie and there is an established boat club (Wyandotte Boat Club) that sponsors rowing teams in nearby schools.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Thaad's Confirmation Feb 4, 2006

Thaad posing with officiating the bishop after his Catholic confirmation at our parish church of St. Cyprian in Riverview, Michigan. It was a Saturday afternoon and his sponsor is his Ate Jas whom he adores.

Dang is not feeling well today

Dang is not feeling well today. She did not go to work and her other co-worker quit because of some personal problems. I took this picture while she was lying down on the sofa watching a soap on TV. Still beautiful after all these years.

Tomorrow, May 25, will be our 21
st wedding anniversary. Since Dang is sick we will have to have a low key celebration.

Thaad did not go to school today because he is not feeling well. He rowed and played volleyball for almost two hours yesterday. The two girls are also home the whole day except when Jas had an appoinment for a job interview later in the afternoon.

I was also home because of a mixup in my work schedule. I was supposed to have an appointment but I got the wrong date so I was one week ahead and just went home instead. Lucky I had a a printout of the appoinment meeting and saw that the date was incorrect. What a day!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My first Blog!

I really do not want to do this as i'm lazy to update this thing. This activity requires your constant attention to make it relevant. But I guess this is the quickest way to update those who care to know what's happening with me to have a place to get in touch quickly.

I hope to keep things short here and this will probably exist just so friends and family can easily get in touch with me. I have some issues too with privacy and ownership of information so let's just see.

Poke around at your own risk. You have been warned.


Bong to college (and beyond) friends & family in father's side
a.k.a. "Nato" in high school
a.k.a. "Rey" to family in mother's side